Formulario de cama jardín

Please use this application form to apply for a garden bed at the organic Gateway Community Garden in Huntington Station. Your name will be added to the waiting list.

Gardens beds are free to gardeners. We suggest a $25 donation to help cover the cost of garden expenses. You can make this donation via Paypal or mail it in. Please donate to the extent you are able. You will be asked to agree to the garden rules.

All gardeners are required to participate in general work in the garden three hours per month during the growing season of April – November. The work can include keeping the shed clean, weeding large paths, weed-whacking, weeding flower/pollinator beds, helping control pests in the garden, or taking trash to the curb.

To Donate Online, please send donations via Paypal to . Note your bed number if applicable. 

(Send with funds using Paypal’s “Friends and Family” option from your Paypal balance or Checking Account, and not credit card, to avoid paying fees.)


Sunflower head